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Helpful Tips


I'm a mum of two, so even though I love cooking, let's face it, I don't have all the time in the world to spend slaving in the kitchen as I often have plenty of other slaving work to do elsewhere, lol :-(. And not just mums, I'm sure time is precious for most working folks. So we all need and would appreciate helpful tips to work around the house more efficiently.


In my Helpful Tips pages, I will be sharing my Favourite Finds, be it food products or kitchen tools that will make our life that bit sweeter, or favourite eating spots that serve delicious food of great value in terms of nutrition and price.


In Kitchen Tips, I will share just that - kitchen tips to help us work smarter and more effecintly so that food prep and cleaning up becomes less of a chore. We may also talk about pantry organizing, proper food storage, and clever ways on what to do with leftovers that will help stretch your meal and save you some bucks.


Enjoy :-)

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